Now that we have the printers all added, the last thing we want to do is have to rekey them all on every server. Every time you do a manual migration, you increase the chance for errors.
We can use system-config-printer to migrate our queues at the linux level and FNDLOAD to migrate the queues in the E-Business Suite. However, there is one manual step you must go through if you added any PPD files.
The first step in our process is to download the printers.
For linux (as root), enter the command:
system-config-printer-tui –Xexport > printers.xml
For the E-Business Suite (as oracle with the environment set for your apps tier), enter the command:
FNDLOAD apps/$APPS 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcppinf.lct source_printer_def.ldt FND_PRINTER
FNDLOAD apps/apps_password 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcppinf.lct source_printer_def.ldt FND_PRINTER
If you read the
first part of this post on adding custom printers, you will recall that I said to keep track of the order that you added the PPD files. You need to repeat the load of the PPD files in the same order on every system to which you are migrating the printers. If you did not record the order, look in printers.xml for the printer_id tags, the custom ppd entries will be ppd#, e.g. ppd2. The surrounding tag will be the name of the queue, so you should be able to reconstruct the order to add the PPD files.
On each system to which you wish to migrate these queues,
copy printers.xml and source_printer_def.ldt
For linux (as root):
system-config-printer-tui ==Xexport > backup-printers.xml
system-config-printer-tui –Ximport < printers.xml
service cups restart
Note: You are interrupting print services, make sure that you are doing it an appropriate time.
After you have completed this step, the queues will be the same on both systems.
For the E-Business Suite (as oracle with the environment set for the apps tier):
FNDLOAD apps/apps_password 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcppinf.lct ${TWO_TASK}_printer_def.ldt FND_PRINTER
FNDLOAD apps/apps_password 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcppinf.lct source_printer_def.ldt FND_PRINTER
This will merge the printers from the source to the new system. Any printers that already exist on the new system should still be there, but you may have wiped out the linux queue in the previous step.