The multitenant database architecture with 19c has changed the process using RapidClone which means that any existing methods of automating an EBS clone need to be changed as well. In order to think about automating an EBS clone, we need to break down the steps.
- One Time Setup
- Prepare the source
- Target Database Home
- Clone from the Source
- Configure the Target Database
- Configure the Target Apps
Depending on how your environment, you might complete the database steps before doing any apps tier steps. The clone of the apps tier should be as close as possible to the clone of the database tier especially if you are preserving the contents of $APPLCSF since you will want the sequence numbers in the database to match up with the log and output files.
- To keep things simple for this post, I am assuming a Linux environment, file system storage of the database files, non-RAC database, a single applications tier, and the applications and database tiers are on different nodes.
- In scripts, I will keep to the style of MOS notes for stuff that is custom to your environment, e.g. <ORACLE_HOME> will mean the path to your ORACLE_HOME
- Scripts are in a common script directory path, e.g. /opt/oracle/bin (this is not a shared filesystem).
- The account on both the database node and apps node is oracle, and the database node can ssh to the apps node. If you use an account such as applmgr on the applications node, replace occurences of ssh <apps node> with ssh applmgr@<apps node>
One Time Setup on both the Source and the Target nodes
Putting passwords in scripts is a very poor security practice. Create a file that can only be read by the script owner with critical passwords, such as /etc/sysconfig/ENV (where ENV is your database connection, e.g. DEV). Note this file could be the actual passwords (please use some form of obfuscation at least) or the required values to access a password manager to retrieve the passwords. The point here is to not have someone get access to your critical database and weblogic passwords because they got a copy of the script.
In other words, we do not want a script like:
#!/bin/bash export APPS_PASSWORD=apps CON=DEV sqlplus /nolog <<EOF connect apps@${CON}/$APPS_PASSWORD update xx_custom_table set clone_date=sysdate; commit; EOF
We want something like
#!/bin/bash CON=DEV if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/$CON ]; then . /etc/sysconfig/$CON else echo "Cannot retrieve passwords" fi sqlplus /nolog <<EOF connect apps@${CON}/$APPS_PASSWORD update xx_custom_table set clone_date=sysdate; commit; EOF
For simplicity, example scripts will assume the file in /etc/sysconfig sets environment variables with the passwords. You can go a step further and set other variables you may need by have the file configure the environment, that is on the database tier source the CDB environment from $ORACLE_HOME or set up for the run filesystem on the apps tier.
Prepare the Source
I use scripts to run This avoids passing passwords and ensures that the environment is correctly configured.
Database Tier Script,
#!/bin/bash . <ORACLE_HOME>/<PDB SID>_<hostname>.env . /etc/sysconfig/$ORACLE_SID cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME echo $APPS_PASSWORD | ./ dbTier
Applications Tier Script,
#!/bin/bash . &lAPPLICATIONS_BASE>/EBSapps.env run . /etc/sysconfig/$TWO_TASK cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME (echo $APPS_PASSWORD;echo $WLS_PASSWORD) | ./ appsTier
Master Script on Database Tier,
#!/bin/bash . <ORACLE_HOME>/<PDB SID>_<hostname>.env . /etc/sysconfig/$ORACLE_SID <SCRIPT_LOC>/ ssh <apps node&ht; <APPS SCRIPT LOC>/
Schedule in cron so that it runs daily. For robustness, the scripts should check return status of adpreclone and pass it on, similarly the master script should check the return status of each step, as well as verifying that a patch cycle is not open before running preclone.
Target Database Home
Here is where we are starting the cloning process, if you are going to automate this process, I suggest running the master script from the source database server doing something similar to the example to start the process.
Oracle Home
The first step in cloning the database tier is creating the ORACLE_HOME. In my experience, this only needs to be done after patching the source. However, others (incuding the MOS Note) prefer to do this every time your clone. If you choose to only refresh the ORACLE_HOME after a patch in the source, remember that you are doing that at your own risk and the first step in resolving an issue will be to refresh the ORACLE_HOME. In any case, preserve files including your pairsfile.txt, init.ora, tnsnames.ora, etc. from the target system after the initial ORACLE_HOME creation.
Create a pairsfile.txt for the target system.
s_undo_tablespace=<Source (PDB) system undo tablespace name> s_db_oh=<Location of new ORACLE_HOME> s_dbhost=<Target hostname> s_dbSid=<Target PDB name> s_pdb_name=<Target PDB name> s_cdb_name=<Target CDB SID> s_base=<Base directory for DB Oracle Home> s_dbuser=<DB User> s_dbgroup=<DB group> (Not applicable on Windows) s_dbhome1=<Data directory> s_display=<Display> s_dbCluster=false s_isDBCluster=n s_dbport=<DB port> s_port_pool=<Port pool number>
Copy the source ORACLE_HOME to the target location, then configure the new home on the target
#!/bin/bash ORACLE_HOME=<TARGET ORACLE HOME> cd $(dirname $0) SCRIPT_DIR=$(pwd) if [ ! -f $SCRIPT_DIR/preserve/pairsfile.txt ]; then echo "No pairsfile.txt" exit 1 fi SID=$(grep s_dbSid $SCRIPT_DIR/preserve/pairsfile.txt | cut -f2 -d=) PORT=$(grep s_dbport $SCRIPT_DIR/preserve/pairsfile.txt | cut -f2 -d=) CONTEXT="${SID}_$(hostname | cut -f1 -d.)" if [ -f /stage/clone/target_data/$SID/info ]; then . /stage/clone/target_data/$SID/info export APPS_DECRYPT=<Un-obfuscate the apps password> else stty -echo 2>/dev/null read -p "Source APPS Password: " APPS_DECRYPT stty echo 2>/dev/null fi if [ -x $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/ ]; then $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/ fi cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin rm -f ../../${CONTEXT}.xml echo $APPS_DECRYPT | perl contextfile=../../<SOURCE CONTEXT>.xml template=../../template/adxdbctx.tmp pairsfile=$SCRIPT_DIR/preserve/pairsfile.txt echo $APPS_DECRYPT | perl dbTechStack ../../${CONTEXT}.xml cd ../.. . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env -dboraclehome=$ORACLE_HOME cd bin perl -dboraclehome=$ORACLE_HOME -cdbname=C$SID -cdbsid=C$SID -dbport=$PORT -outdir=../log -israc=no if [ -f $SCRIPT_DIR/preserve/tnsnames.ora ]; then cp -p $SCRIPT_DIR/preserve/tnsnames.ora $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin fi cd ../scripts/$CONTEXT ./ start C$SID -ignorePDBStatus if [ -f $SCRIPT_DIR/preserve/initC${SID}.ora.122 ]; then cp -p $SCRIPT_DIR/preserve/initC${SID}.ora.122 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs fi
If you refresh the ORACLE_HOME with every clone (this is the best method to remove human error), then this script will be part of your cloning process (I would move the call to before actually refreshing the ORACLE_HOME). If you do not clone the ORACLE_HOME every time, have a policy for when you do refresh, for example any time a patch is applied in production, then all ORACLE_HOMEs are refreshed from production. The problem with this is it is easy to forget and having different patch levels in the ORACLE_HOME and the database means you are in a garbage state.
Clone from the Source
I strongly suggest using rman duplicate from your production backup for at least one instance. This gives you a free restore test at regular intervals (this is making an assumption that if you are reading a blog on automating clones, you plan to schedule them). This clone should always include the ORACLE_HOME since that will be required in a bare metal recovery.
If you are using a disk based utility or copying files from the source, then you will need to create a controlfile and do a recovery. I run a single script, bld.sql, to produce these files prior to instigating the copy by calling sqlplus / as sysdba @bld.sql <target script location> <env>, where <env> is the name of the pluggable such as DEV.
This code assumes your production plugin is named PROD.
set heading off set verify off set feedback off set lines 120 set pages 0 set trimspool on column upcase new_value utarget column lowcase new_value ltarget select upper('&2') as upcase from dual; select lower('&2') as lowcase from dual; spool &1/Step-1_temp.lst PROMPT shutdown immediate PROMPT startup nomount PROMPT CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE SET DATABASE &utarget RESETLOGS ARCHIVELOG PROMPT MAXLOGFILES 192 PROMPT MAXLOGMEMBERS 5 PROMPT MAXDATAFILES 1024 PROMPT MAXINSTANCES 1 PROMPT MAXLOGHISTORY 38562 PROMPT LOGFILE select 'GROUP '||||' (' as g ,LISTAGG(''''||replace(replace(lf.member,'/prod/','/<arget/'),'/cprod/','/c<arget/')||'''',',') within GROUP (order by lf.member) as logs ,') SIZE '||l.bytes||' BLOCKSIZE '||l.blocksize||',' as s from v$log l,v$logfile lf where and < (select max(group#) from v$log) group by,l.bytes,l.blocksize order by; select 'GROUP '||||' (' as g ,LISTAGG(''''||replace(replace(lf.member,'/prod/','/<arget/'),'/cprod/','/c<arget/')||'''',',') within GROUP (order by lf.member) as logs ,') SIZE '||l.bytes||' BLOCKSIZE '||l.blocksize as s from v$log l,v$logfile lf where and = (select max(group#) from v$log) group by,l.bytes,l.blocksize; PROMPT DATAFILE select ''''||replace(replace(name,'/prod/','/<arget/'),'/cprod/','/c<arget/')||''',' as name from v$datafile where file# < (select max(file#) from v$datafile) order by file#; select ''''||replace(replace(name,'/prod/','/<arget/'),'/cprod/','/c<arget/')||'''' as name from v$datafile where file# = (select max(file#) from v$datafile) order by file#; PROMPT CHARACTER SET UTF8 PROMPT ;; spool off spool &1/Step-2_RecoverDatabase.rman PROMPT run { allocate channel appsync_manager type disk;; select 'catalog archivelog '''||replace(replace(lf.member,'/prod/','/<arget/'),'/cprod/','/c<arget/')||''';' from v$logfile lf order by,lf.member; PROMPT recover database; } spool off spool &1/Step-3_RecoverDatabase.sql PROMPT recover database using backup controlfile until cancel;; PROMPT CANCEL spool off spool &1/Step-4_OpenDatabase.sql PROMPT alter database noarchivelog;; PROMPT alter database open resetlogs;; select 'ALTER TABLESPACE '||tablespace_name||' ADD TEMPFILE '''||replace(replace(file_name,'/prod/','/<arget/'),'/cprod/','/c<arget/')||''' SIZE '||bytes/(1024*1024)||'M REUSE;' from dba_temp_files order by tablespace_name,file_id; spool off spool &1/Step-5_renamePDB.sql PROMPT ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PROD CLOSE;; PROMPT ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PROD unplug into '/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome1/dbs/PROD.xml';; PROMPT DROP PLUGGABLE DATABASE PROD;; PROMPT CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE &utarget using '/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome1/dbs/PROD.xml' NOCOPY SERVICE_NAME_CONVERT=('ebs_PROD','ebs_&utarget','PROD_ebs_patch','&utarget._ebs_patch');; PROMPT ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE &utarget open read write;; PROMPT ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE &utarget save state;; spool off alter session set container=PROD; spool &1/Step-6_tempPDB.sql PROMPT ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER=&utarget;; select 'ALTER TABLESPACE '||tablespace_name||' ADD TEMPFILE '''||replace(replace(file_name,'/prod/','/<arget/'),'/cprod/','/c<arget/')||''' SIZE '||bytes/(1024*1024)||'M REUSE;' from dba_temp_files order by tablespace_name,file_id; spool off exit
There is extra garbage in the in the initial script that needs to be cleaned up before using on the target. In addition there are passwords and other information that need to be passed to the clone along with the sql scripts for recovery. My preferred method is a shared location between the target and the clone (in my case, this is <mount>/clone/target_data/<target>). If the target database home needed to be updated, I have already completed that task. Others will wish to include the target Oracle Home everytime, in which case, add it to this master script before the call to the target db host at the end.
Here is my sample driver script (a different script is used for each target environment):
#!/bin/bash OUT_DIR=<SHARED_MOUNT>/clone TARGET=<TARGET PDB> SCRIPT_DIR=$OUT_DIR/target_data/$TARGET DATAOUT=$SCRIPT_DIR/info if [ -z $SCRIPT_DIR -o "$SCRIPT_DIR" == '/' ]; then echo "Something is seriously wrong" exit 127 fi if [ -d $SCRIPT_DIR ]; then echo "Cleaning out $SCRIPT_DIR" rm -rf $SCRIPT_DIR fi mkdir -p $SCRIPT_DIR . <FULL PATH TO CONTAINER ENVIRONMENT FILE> . <PASSWORD FILE> # Make sure we will connect to the container not the pluggable unset ORACLE_PDB_SID RUN_BASE=$(sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF | grep RUN_BASE | tail -1 | cut -f2 -d: Connect apps@PROD/$APPS_PASSWORD Select 'RUN_BASE:'||extractvalue(xmltype(text),'//CURRENT_BASE') FROM fnd_oam_context_files where status='S' and name not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA') and extractvalue(xmltype(text),'//file_edition_type')='run'; / EOF ) ACTIVE_FS=$(basename $RUN_BASE) SRC_PASSWORD=<Obfuscate the source password> echo "export RUN_BASE='$RUN_BASE'" > $DATAOUT echo "export ACTIVE_FS='$ACTIVE_FS'" >> $DATAOUT echo "export SRC_PASSWORD='$SRC_PASSWORD'" >> $DATAOUT echo "export SRC_DB='$ORACLE_SID'" >> $DATAOUT echo "export SRC_DATE='$(date +%d-%b-%y)'" >> $DATAOUT # Any other information you need to pass sqlplus -s / as sysdba @$(dirname $0)/bld_recovery.sql ${SCRIPT_DIR} $TARGET cat ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Step-1_temp.lst | sed '/^$/d' > ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Step-1_DatabaseRename.sql ssh $TARGET_DB_HOST <target_cleanup_script> if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo "$TARGET is not ready" exit $status fi ## clone the database files to the target ## ## possibly clone the apps tier files, method may dictate this is on the target db ## ## call the target db host to continue the process ##
At this point, the rest of the scripts are done on the target systems. My cleanup script looks this
#!/bin/bash touch $(dirname $0)/$(basename $0).started . <FULL PATH TO CONTAINER ENVIRONMENT FILE> . <PASSWORD FILE> ssh ebstestapp dba/bin/apps_shutdown abort status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo "Apps tier not ready" # Non zero exit status to abort the clone process is critical!!! exit 1 fi; ## stop any other processes on the database node such as tomcat for Oracle Apex ## RC=0 sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF shutdown abort EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) ## cleanup files that will be recreated during recovery as well as files that are no longer valid such ## as old arechive logs ## ## example rm -f $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<container>.ora status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) echo $RC > $(dirname $0)/$(basename $0).completed exit $RC
Configure the Target Database
The assumption at this point is that control has been passed to a script is running on the target database node after the database files have been copied. I keep certain files that I want preserved from one clone to the next in the preserve directory.
#/bin/bash export TARGET_PDB=UAT export TARGET_CDB=CUAT export LOWER_PDB=$(echo $TARGET_PDB | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') export LOWER_CDB=$(echo $TARGET_CDB | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') export SHORT_HOST=$(hostname | cut -f1 -d.) . <Password File;> #One of the values in the password file is the full path of the container environment file #verify the file exists if [ ! -f $ENV_FILE ]; then echo "Cannot open $ENV_FILE" exit 127 fi . $ENV_FILE RC=0 SOURCE_DATA=<Shared file location>/$TARGET_PDB . ${SOURCE_DATA}/info ## if this is a disk based utility, then names will be based on the source ## my files are in /u*/oradata/<lower case of sid> for i in $(ls -d /u*/oradata/<LC SOURCE PLUGGABLE>); do mv $i $(dirname $i)/$LOWER_PDB; done for i in $(ls -d /u*/oradata/<LC SOURCE CONTAINER>); do mv $i $(dirname $i)/$LOWER_CDB; done rm -f <control files matching the init parameters script> export SRC_DECRYPT=<un-obfuscate the source password in the info file> cp -p $(dirname $0)/preserve/init${TARGET_CDB}.ora.122 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init${TARGET_CDB}.ora rm -f $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile${TARGET_CDB}.ora rm -f $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw${TARGET_CDB} date echo "Step 1" if [ ! -f ${SOURCE_DATA}/Step-1_DatabaseRename.sql ]; then echo "No recovery files" exit 1 fi cd ${SOURCE_DATA} sqlplus / as sysdba <<eof @step-1_databaserename.sql eof status="$?" rc="$(expr" $rc + $status) echo="step 2" rman target=/ <<eof @step-2_recoverdatabase.rman EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) echo "Step 3" sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF @Step-3_RecoverDatabase.sql EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) echo "Step 4" sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF @Step-4_OpenDatabase.sql create spfile from memory; shutdown immediate startup EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) echo "Step 5" sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF @Step-5_renamePDB.sql EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) echo "Step 6" sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF @Step-6_tempPDB.sql EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw${TARGET_CDB} password=$SYSTEM_PASSWORD status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) echo "Verify listener is up" . $ORACLE_HOME/${TARGET_CDB}_${SHORT_HOST}.env $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/${TARGET_PDB}_${SHORT_HOST}/ start ${TARGET_CDB} $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/${TARGET_PDB}_${SHORT_HOST}/ status ${TARGET_CDB} echo "EBS adupdlib" sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/install/${TARGET_PDB}_${SHORT_HOST}/adupdlib so EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin echo $SRC_DECRYPT | ./ dbconfig ../../${TARGET_PDB}_${SHORT_HOST}.xml status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) echo "EBS Non Production" cd /home/oracle/dba/clone_sql export ORACLE_PDB_SID=${TARGET_PDB} sqlplus apps/${SRC_DECRYPT}@${TARGET_PDB} <<EOF update fnd_concurrent_requests set logfile_node_name=replace(upper('$SHORT_HOST'),'DB','APP') where logfile_node_name IS NOT NULL; update fnd_concurrent_requests set outfile_node_name=replace(upper('$SHORT_HOST'),'DB','APP') where outfile_node_name IS NOT NULL; update fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code='P', status_code='I', actual_start_date=null where phase_code='R' and actual_start_date > sysdate-30; REM other scripts to do things like place requests on hold that you do not want running in non production REM fix profile option values, etc. connect / as sysdba REM we are in the container because of ORACLE_PDB_SID alter user ebs_system identified by $EBSSYS_PASSWORD; REM fix any directories, etc. EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) unset ORACLE_PDB_SID sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF alter user sys identified by $SYSTEM_PASSWORD; alter user system identified by $SYSTEM_PASSWORD; alter user dbsnmp identified by $DBSNMP_PASSWORD; EOF status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) #If you are using Apex, start the application server for ORDS echo "Completed with status of $RC" ## If the database script should chain to apps script, use the following block ## otherwise, replace the rest of the script with the line ## exit $RC if [ "$RC" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed" >> /tmp/$(basename $0).completed exit $RC else ssh <apps node or user@apps node> <apps node configuration script> status=$? RC=$(expr $RC + $status) fi exit $RC
If your cloning method requires doing the file clone for the apps node at this point, make the source call a wrapper script which runs the configuration script , triggers the copies of the apps tier and then calls the configuration of the apps node rather than having the call in the database configuration script.
#!/bin/bash TARGET=<TARGET PDB> LC_TARGET=$(echo $TARGET | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') touch $(dirname $0)/$(basename $0).started . <PATH TO SHARED SCRIPTS FROM SOURCE>/info LOG=$(dirname $0)/post_mount.log $(dirname $0)/configure_${LC_TARGET} > $LOG 2>&1 status=$? cat $LOG if [ $status -gt 0 ]; then echo "Failed" exit $status fi <Create apps node copy and call configuration of apps node> touch $(dirname $0)/$(basename $0).completed
Configure the Target Apps
At this point there is no change from previous cloning methods. I maintain two pairs files, one for each filesystem. These are copied into my configuration script dir so that I have a single clone configuration script. Sample script (see my post ADOP, Rapidclone, and JVM size for an explanation of the CONFIG_JVM_ARGS variable).
#!/bin/bash cd $(dirname $0) SCRIPT_DIR=$(pwd) LOG=$(SCRIPT_DIR)/$(basename $0).log export TARGET=<TARGET PDB> export SHORT_HOST=$(hostname | cut -f1 -d.) . /etc/sysconfig/$TARGET . /stage/clone/target_data/$TARGET/info #see #for an explanation of CONFIG_JVM_ARGS export CONFIG_JVM_ARGS='-Xmx4096m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit' export SRC_DECRYPT=<Unobfuscate SRC_PASSWORD> SRC=<SOURCE OF CLONE> DATE=$(date +'%d-%b-%Y %H:%M') cdate=$DATE PAIRS=$SCRIPT_DIR/${TARGET}_${SHORT_HOST}.txt.$ACTIVE_FS DISPLAY=$(grep '^s_display' $PAIRS|cut -f2 -d=) XPORT=$(echo $DISPLAY | cut -f2 -d:| cut -f1 -d.) if ! /usr/bin/xdpyinfo &> /dev/null; then vncserver :$XPORT fi echo "VNC is running on :$XPORT" > $LOG cd <Applications Base> rm -rf fs_ne.old mkdir sign cp <Applications Base>/fs_ne/EBSapps/appl/ad/admin/* sign/ mkdir xdo cp -rp <Applications Base>/fs_ne/xdo/* xdo/ mkdir zap if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Problem creating zap. Try again" rm -rf zap mkdir zap fi if [ $ACTIVE_FS = 'fs1' ]; then mv EBSapps.env fs2 zap mv fs1/FMW_Home fs1/inst zap mv ../oraInventory/* zap elif [ $ACTIVE_FS = 'fs2' ]; then mv EBSapps.env fs1 zap mv fs2/FMW_Home fs2/inst zap mv ../oraInventory/* zap else echo "Invalid ACTIVE_FS. Should not be possible to get here" exit 1 fi mv fs_ne fs_ne.old date echo "Removing files we don't need" DIR=<Applications Base> cd $DIR CDIR=$(pwd) if [ "$DIR" = "$CDIR" ]; then echo "Removing source patch fs, etc." rm -rf zap else echo "MAY RUN OUT OF DISK SPACE: zap not removed" fi DIR=<APPLPTMP> cd $DIR CDIR=$(pwd) if [ "$DIR" = "$CDIR" ]; then echo "Cleaning up $DIR" rm -f * else echo "Failed to clean up $DIR" fi #Repeat the above block for any directories on the target apps node that should not carry over #to the next instantiation of the target environment date cd <Applications Base>/$ACTIVE_FS/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/media #If you have custom logo's or replace oracle_white_log.png #copy those files into place now cp <TARGET LOGO>.png oracle_white_logo.png echo "Old install is cleaned up; jar signing, xdo, and branding is preserved" >> $LOG date cd <Applications Base>/$ACTIVE_FS/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin (echo $SRC_DECRYPT;echo $WLS_PASSWORD;echo $SRC_DECRYPT;echo 'n') | ./ component=appsTier pairsfile=$PAIRS dualfs=yes status=$? if [ "$status" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Something went wrong" date exit $status fi cd <Applications Base> #if you are preserving access to output and log files from the source, omit the following mv mv <Applications Base>/fs_ne.old/inst/* <Applications Base>/fs_ne/inst/ rm -rf <Applications Base>/fs_ne.old date . <Applications Base>/EBSapps.env run tnsping ${TARGET} status=$? if [ "$status" -eq 1 ]; then echo "TNS NAMES is not configured properly" exit 404 elif [ "$status" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Something went wrong" exit $status else echo "Ready to proceed" fi echo "Apps tier is configured" >> $LOG cp <Applications Base>/sign/* <Applications Base>/fs_ne/EBSapps/appl/ad/admin/ cp -rp <Applications Base>/xdo <Applications Base>/fs_ne/ . /u01/app/oracle/apps/EBSapps.env run cd /home/oracle/config cp adopdefaults.txt $APPL_TOP_NE/ad/admin/ ## Any other files you need to save between clones should be copied back at this point echo "Preserved items are restored" >> $LOG cd <Applications Base>/etcc echo $SRC_DECRYPT | ./ cd $SCRIPT_DIR #change_passwords should do the required steps to set the passwords if [ "$SRC_DECRYPT" != "$APPS_PASSWORD" ]; then ./change_passwords $SRC_DECRYPT $APPS_PASSWORD $WLS_PASSWORD $EBSSYS_PASSWORD fi echo "Apps Passwords are set" >> $LOG #Rapidclone does not do everything required for workflow so finish the jobs echo $APPS_PASSWORD | ./wf_config_workflow #If you use ISG, call appropriate scripts to configure after the clone cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME00 echo $WLS_PASSWORD | apps/$APPS_PASSWORD echo "Apps are running" >> $LOG
Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions in the comments.